Is anyone welcome?

Yes, yes, yes!


What do Lutherans believe?

We believe in God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—and that the scriptures are inspired to show us God’s grace and love that has been most clearly shown in the death and resurrection of Jesus. More information on what Lutherans believe and teach can be found here.


WhEN IS WORSHIP & Sunday School?

Worship is at 9:00 am.
Intergenerational Sunday School is held on the 2nd Sunday of each month and begins at 10:30 am.

Check our homepage for special services and schedule updates.


May I receive Holy Communion?

The Lord’s Table is offered to all who are baptized and trust that Christ comes to us, and most importantly, that He is for us, not against us.


Is JERUSALEM handicapped-accessible?

Yes, with reserved parking for people with specials needs, curb cuts, a one-floor layout, and accessible bathrooms, Jerusalem’s building is welcoming to all people.


Where should I park?

Jerusalem has a parking lot with ample space, including spaces reserved for Visitors! Accessible from Dock Street in Schuylkill Haven, PA. 


What should I wear?

There is no dress code. Some Jerusalem members dress up for Sunday worship in dresses & suits, others wear jeans, sweaters, shorts, t-shirts, etc.


Are children welcome?

Jesus welcomed children, and so do we. Jerusalem does not offer nursery time during worship because we encourage parents to keep their children in church with them, so that they too may hear God’s Word, both spoken and sung. If they get restless or noisy, there is a Parent-Child Break Space in the church lobby. Children’s bulletins and worship resources are available at the worship entrance near the white baptismal font. Jerusalem also offers children’s sermons during the worship service, and if your child or children do not yet receive Holy Communion, please bring them forward for a blessing. Ask an usher if you need any assistance.


MAY my children and I ATTEND Sunday School?

YES! Jerusalem offers Intergenerational Sunday School for all ages from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. There is no need to preregister you or your child. We meet in the church library.


How will I know what to do during the service?

There are worship volunteers at Jerusalem called ushers. These individuals hand out bulletins, which will guide you through the worship service. This program contains the order of the service in it, and it will help you participate in worship. Italic text tells you when to stand and sit. Bold text in the bulletin is responsive text that the congregation reads aloud. Hymns sung during the service are in the red books in the pews and hymn numbers can be found in your bulletin.


What if I am not sure if this is a church for me?

Just come and see. So many of us have lived a life with twists and turns, and you will be welcomed in your journey of life and faith.


Do I have to join? Or, how would I join?

Come and see, and if you feel comfortable here, then you will be welcome to join if you wish, simply by affirming your baptism—or you can continue to worship with us without joining. If you have not been baptized, we can prepare you for the gift of baptism.