Weekly schedule
A full list of activities and updated photos are always available on our Facebook page or quickly check the calendar below—frequently updated for your convenience.
Jerusalem Lutheran Church is now doing “Intergenerational Sunday School”. All ages are welcome to join in our once a month session. On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we will gather in the Library for Bible study, sharing, fellowship, and snacks. The lessons will be basic Bible themes that anyone can relate to. Naturally, a four year old will not see what a 44 yr. old will understand about the scripture, but we will all be encouraged to share our thoughts and we will learn from each other. It is hoped that the relationships we build in this setting will stay with us and enrich our lives together.
The first intergenerational class was held on September 8, 2024. We read from Colossians 3:12-14. We discussed what it meant to “wear love” and were challenged to “put on love” everyday!
The classes for the remainder of 2024 will be held: October 13, November 10, and December 8. All classes will meet in the Social Hall after worship.
The first class of 2025 will be on Sunday, January 12 after worship. Please plan on attending.
Now, that being said… The confirmation class will continue to meet weekly after church. A new requirement will be church attendance/participation and sermon outlines.
A full list of activities and updated photos are always available on our Facebook page or quickly check the calendar below—frequently updated for your convenience.