Concert Series

Our Concert Series brings high quality musical events (organ, choral and instrumental) to our church and our community. Concerts are free and open to the public.

Music Program

The music program at Jerusalem is vibrant and exciting! It includes an adult Chancel Choir, a multi-generational 3-4 octave handbell choir, hand chimes, a brass quartet, and various musicians from the congregation that help lead worship!


Social Ministry seeks to serve those in need and to advocate for justice. We strive to do this on a local level as well as seeking to reach out globally through organizations such as Lutheran World Relief and Church World Service. Our biggest project each year comes by way of the God’s Work, Our Hands (GWOH) initiative. GWOH is an annual day of service started by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American in 2013.

Child Care Center Jerusalem

Child Care and Learning Center offers high quality, compassionate and reliable child care, early learning and school age programming for children ages 2 through 4th grade. Our experienced staff provides a Christian based curriculum that focuses on building positive social and emotional development and growth of the individual child.

Worship and Music

The Worship and Music Committee meets with the Pastor, Music Director, and the Altar Guild throughout the year to plan and schedule all of the church's worship services. The committee also organizes the Lenten soup suppers, Harvest Home to benefit the food pantry and the decoration of the church for Christmas. New members are always welcome.

”Little free” ministries

The Social Ministry Committee initiated the Little Free Pantry and Little Free Library which are located outside near the Labyrinth before you get to the front door. Donations for ready to eat items for the Little Free Pantry and books for the Little Free Library are received mainly from the congregation, but we have also gotten donations from the surrounding neighborhood. What a blessing to work together to help others in our community.

Faith Formation

Confirmation classes are held after Sunday worship during the school year for grades 6, 7, and 8. Confirmation reminds kids that, with all the changes that they are going through mentally and physically at this age, God loves them…and always will!

We hold an Intergenerational Sunday School class once a month on the second Sunday of the month after worship. As the stories are shared and learned, the adults take the younger ones under their wing, and they wind up helping each other learn how to be church together!

Faith and Families Ministry

At Jerusalem Lutheran, Faith and Families Ministry encourages families to gather during the year to build relationships and support one another in our faith journey. We try to have an activity every month, but, as you know, schedules have a way of filling up and pushing us in many directions. When we do get together, it is a time for fellowship and having some fun.

Schuylkill Haven Food Pantry

A cooperative ministry of the council of churches, Jerusalem passionately supports the local food pantry with gifts of money, canned goods, and volunteers. Serving 175-200 qualifying households each month, food is distributed from the pantry site located in the back of the Walk In Arts Center from 1:00-4:00 PM on the third Friday of each month. In addition to food, children’s diapers and adult incontinence supplies are given out when they become available from the Philadelphia Diaper Bank.

Donations of money or canned goods are always welcome. If you would like to volunteer, workers are needed at the pantry behind The Walk In Center at 220 Parkway in Schuylkill Haven every Monday from 8:30-10:30 AM. During distribution, volunteers are need on third Fridays noon-4:00 PM. Volunteer orientation will be provided.


For more information or to get involved

Contact the church office at 570 385-2657 or
Alternatively, feel free to contact a member of our staff.